Maptelligent organizacji Zalecenie średnie
Jaka jest wartość Zalecenie średnie organizacji Maptelligent?
Wartość Zalecenie średnie organizacji Maptelligent, Inc. to N/A
Jaka jest definicja Zalecenie średnie?
Średnia rekomendacja to średnia ocen analityków dla akcji od 1,0 (silny zakup) do 5,0 (silny wzrost).
Mean of recommendations is an average of ratings from different analysts but it should still be used with other research and investment metrics in order to make investment decisions. It is important to understand a firm's entire scale when assimilating ratings. Additionally, analyst recommendations on stocks owned by firms employing them may be seen as potentially biased.
Financial analysts are often employed by mutual and pension funds, hedge funds, securities firms, banks, investment banks, insurance companies, and other businesses, helping these companies or their clients make investment decisions. Financial analysts employed in commercial lending perform "balance sheet analysis," examining the audited financial statements and corollary data in order to assess lending risks. In a stock brokerage house or in an investment bank, they read company financial statements and analyze commodity prices, sales, costs, expenses, and tax rates in order to determine a company's value and project future earnings. In any of these various institutions, the analyst often meets with company officials to gain a better insight into a company's prospects and to determine the company's managerial effectiveness.
Usually, financial analysts study an entire industry, assessing current trends in business practices, products, and industry competition. They must keep abreast of new regulations or policies that may affect the industry, as well as monitor the economy to determine its effect on earnings.
Czym się zajmuję organizacja Maptelligent?
Maptelligent, Inc. develops location-specific geographic information systems. The company offers GEOcommand CityAware, a collaborative software system that creates interoperability and distribution of information across disparate systems and platforms for agencies and jurisdictions, emergency and disaster response planning, management, and mitigation; and GEOcommand SiteAware allows for a location-first approach to connecting multiple disparate data sources and business systems into one location-specific situational awareness interface for viewing critical assets and infrastructure. It also provides cloud based multi-layer geographic information platform that serves as the common situational awareness tool for various community services, including fire, police, public works, local utility companies, community planners, and tax assessors. The company serves local, state, and federal governments; public and private institutions; and schools, hospitals and nursing homes, ports, movie theatres, sport venues, and others. Maptelligent, Inc. is based in Henderson, Nevada.