Korea Electric Power organizacji Data zarobków

Jaka jest wartość Data zarobków organizacji Korea Electric Power?

Wartość Data zarobków organizacji Korea Electric Power to 11 Nov 2024

Jaka jest definicja Data zarobków?

Data zarobkowa (Earnings date) to data następnego wydania raportu finansowego spółki.

Earnings report date is the date of an official announcement about a company's profitability for a specific time period. In the private sector, a quarterly finance report is a financial report that covers three months of the year, which is required by numbers of stock exchanges around the world to provide information to investors on the state of a company.

Czym się zajmuję organizacja Korea Electric Power?

Korea Electric Power Corporation, better known as KEPCO or Hanjeon, is the largest electric utility in South Korea, responsible for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity and the development of electric power projects including those in nuclear power, wind power and coal.