Wartość Dług / kapitał własny organizacji Gazprom PJSC to 0.59
Wskaźnik zadłużenia kapitału własnego to wskaźnik finansowy wskazujący względną proporcję kapitału własnego i długu wykorzystywanego do finansowania aktywów spółki.
The debt to equity ratio is generally calculated by dividing debt by equity. The D/E ratio is also known as risk, gearing or leverage. The two components are often taken from the firm's balance sheet or statement of financial position (so-called book value), but the ratio may also be calculated using market values for both, if the company's debt and equity are publicly traded, or using a combination of book value for debt and market value for equity financially. Preferred stock can be considered part of debt or equity. Attributing preferred shares to one or the other is partially a subjective decision but will also take into account the specific features of the preferred shares. When used to calculate a company's financial leverage, the debt usually includes only the long-term debt.
Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom, an integrated energy company, engages in the geological exploration, production, processing, storage, transportation, and sale of gas, gas condensates, and oil in Russia and internationally. The company operates through Production of Gas, Transportation of Gas, Distribution of Gas, Gas Storage, Production of Crude Oil and Gas Condensate, Refining, and Electric and Heat Energy Generation and Sales segments. It also produces coalbed methane; and owns Unified Gas Supply System, a gas transmission system totaling approximately 175.2 kilometers that comprises 254 compressor stations with a total capacity of 46.8 megawatts in Russia. In addition, the company operates underground gas storage facilities; operates oil refining and petrochemical complexes; generates and sells electric and heat energy; produces crude oil and gas condensate; and produces other goods, as well as provides other works and rendering of other services. Further, it offers oil, gas condensate, and other hydrocarbons; and sells refined products. Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Moscow, Russia.