Wartość Kraj organizacji Theratechnologies Inc. to Canada
Lokalizacja siedziby firmy.
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theratechnologies inc., a biopharmaceutical company, markets prescription products in the united states, europe, and canada. it offers egrifta and egrifta sv, for the reduction of excess abdominal fat in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patients with lipodystrophy; and trogarzo, an injection refers to ibalizumab for the treatment of multidrug resistant hiv-1 infected patients. the company's pipeline products include f8 formulation that could be used for the treatment of hiv-associated lipodystrophy; th-1902 for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer; and th-1904 for the treatment of ovarian cancer. the company was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in montreal, canada.