Wartość Zwrot z kapitału organizacji InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp to -75.04%
Wskaźnik rentowności kapitału (Return on equity - ROE) jest miarą rentowności działalności gospodarczej w stosunku do wartości księgowej kapitału własnego. Oblicza się ją przez podzielenie dochodu netto roku obrotowego przez całkowity kapitał własny akcjonariusza.
The return on equity (ROE) ROE is a measure of how well a company uses investments to generate earnings growth. ROE is used for comparing the performance of companies in the same industry. It indicated the management's ability to generate income from the equity available to it. ROEs of 15-20% are generally considered good. ROEs are also a factor in stock valuation, in association with other financial ratios. In general, stock prices are influenced by earnings per share (EPS), so that stock of a company with a 20% ROE will generally cost twice as much as one with a 10% ROE.
about invivo therapeutics invivo therapeutics holdings corp. is a research and clinical-stage biomaterials and biotechnology company with a focus on treatment of spinal cord injuries. the company was founded in 2005 with proprietary technology co-invented by robert langer, sc.d., professor at massachusetts institute of technology, and joseph p. vacanti, m.d., who then was at boston children’s hospital and who now is affiliated with massachusetts general hospital. in 2011, the company earned the david s. apple award from the american spinal injury association for its outstanding contribution to spinal cord injury medicine. in 2015, the company’s investigational neuro-spinal scaffold received the 2015 becker’s healthcare spine device award. the publicly-traded company is headquartered in cambridge, ma. for more details, visit www.invivotherapeutics.com. about the neuro-spinal scaffold™ following acute spinal cord injury, surgical implantation of the biodegradable neuro-spinal scaffold wi