MGE organizacji Dochody

Jaka jest wartość Dochody organizacji MGE?

Wartość Dochody organizacji MGE Energy, Inc. to $115.548M

Jaka jest definicja Dochody?

Dochód netto dostępny dla zwykłych akcjonariuszy jest równy dochodzie netto pomniejszonemu o wypłatę uprzywilejowanych dywidend.

Net income available to common shareholders are the profits remaining after the company pays all of its suppliers, employees, service providers, creditors, and preferred shareholders. In other words, this is revenue less all expenses and preferred dividends. The number measures common shareholders' claim on the company's cash flows.

Czym się zajmuję organizacja MGE?

mge energy, inc., through its subsidiaries, operates as a public utility holding company primarily in wisconsin. it operates through five segments: regulated electric utility operations; regulated gas utility operations; nonregulated energy operations; transmission investments; and all other. the company generates, purchases, and distributes electricity; owns or leases electric generation facilities located in wisconsin and iowa; and plans, constructs, operates, maintains, and expands transmission facilities to provide transmission services. it also generates electricity from coal, natural gas, and renewable energy sources, as well as purchases power under short and long-term commitments. as of february 26, 2020, the company distributed electricity to 155,000 customers in dane county, wisconsin; and purchased and distributed natural gas to 163,000 customers in seven south-central and western wisconsin counties. mge energy, inc. was founded in 1855 and is headquartered in madison, wisco

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