Wartość Data wypłaty dywidendy organizacji iClick Interactive Asia Group Ltd to N/A
Datą ex-dywidendy (Ex-dividend date) to data określająca, czy dywidendy zostaną wypłacone sprzedającemu lub kupującemu. Dywidendy wypłacone za akcje nabyte po dacie dywidendy należą do nowego właściciela.
The ex-dividend date or reinvestment date is an investment term involving the timing of payment of dividends on stocks of corporations, income trusts, and other financial holdings. If a sale is before this date, the dividend belongs to the new owner; if on or after the date, the seller is entitled to the dividend. If a stock is purchased on its ex-dividend date or after, the buyer will not receive the next dividend payment. Instead, the seller gets the dividend. If a stock is purchased before the ex-dividend date, the buyer gets the dividend.
iclick is a leading integrated advertising technology company in china connecting worldwide advertisers with the audience in china. its proprietary programmatic marketing platform (“pmp”) is the first of its kind in china that truly integrates search, display, mobile and social media advertising. the core of iclick’s pmp is supported by tremendous data and advanced technology, which help both international and domestic advertisers precisely reach their targeted customers in china through multi-channel marketing. iclick was established in 2009 and now has seven offices in asia as well as business presence in london and new york with more than 500 employees.