Cadiz organizacji Opublikowane akcje

Jaka jest wartość Opublikowane akcje organizacji Cadiz?

Wartość Opublikowane akcje organizacji Cadiz Inc. to 67.896M

Jaka jest definicja Opublikowane akcje ?

Akcje pozostające w obrocie(Shares outstanding) to wszystkie akcje spółki lub aktywa finansowego, które zostały autoryzowane, wyemitowane i nabyte przez inwestorów i są przez nie posiadane.

Shares outstanding includes all stock held by investors including both common shares held by the public and restricted shares owned by the company's internal managements. Shares outstanding have rights and represent an ownership in the corporation by the person who holds the shares. They are distinguished from treasury shares, which are shares held by the corporation itself and have no exercisable rights. Shares outstanding plus treasury shares together amount to the number of issued shares.

Shares outstanding can be calculated as either basic or fully diluted. The basic count is the current number of shares. Dividend distributions and voting in the general meeting of shareholders are calculated according to this number. The fully diluted shares outstanding count, on the other hand, includes diluting securities, such as warrants, capital notes or convertibles. If the company has any diluting securities, this indicates the potential future increased number of shares outstanding. A company's market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the price of one of its shares by the total number outstanding shares a company has issued.

Czym się zajmuję organizacja Cadiz?

founded in 1983, cadiz inc. is a renewable resource company that owns over 70 square miles of land with significant water resources in southern california. the company's properties, which are located at three sites in california's eastern mojave desert, offer abundant and renewable sources of clean water, an ideal environment for organic farming, and excellent land conservation opportunities. the company maintains an organic agricultural operation at its primary property in the cadiz valley and manages the largest desert tortoise land conservation bank in california. the company is also pursuing the cadiz valley water conservation, recovery and storage project, known as the cadiz water project, which will capture and conserve billions of gallons of renewable groundwater that is presently lost to evaporation and provide a new, sustainable water supply. through the active and safe management of the groundwater aquifer system at the site, the cadiz water project will reduce an ongoing los

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