Victoria Oil & Gas Plc organizacji Termin płatności

Jaka jest wartość Termin płatności organizacji Victoria Oil & Gas Plc?

Wartość Termin płatności organizacji Victoria Oil & Gas Plc to N/A

Jaka jest definicja Termin płatności?

Dzień płatności dywidendy (Dividend date to termin spłaty zadeklarowanych dywidend.

The dividend date or payment date is the date on which dividends will be paid to shareholders. Only shareholders who owned the stock before an ex-dividend date are entitled to dividends.

Czym się zajmuję organizacja Victoria Oil & Gas Plc?

Victoria Oil & Gas Plc engages in the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas in in West Africa and Russia. The company holds 57% interest in the Logbaba gas and condensate project, which covers an area of 20 square kilometers located in Cameroon; and 75% interest in the Matanda Block covering an area of 1,235 square kilometers located in Cameroon. It also delivers gas to grid power, thermal, and industrial power customers through its 51 km gas distribution pipeline network in Douala. In addition, the company is involved in the development, production, and the sale of hydrocarbons and related activities. Victoria Oil & Gas Plc was incorporated in 2004 and is based in London, the United Kingdom.