Starpharma organizacji Dochody

Jaka jest wartość Dochody organizacji Starpharma?

Wartość Dochody organizacji Starpharma Holdings Limited to -AUD$8.17

Jaka jest definicja Dochody?

Dochód netto dostępny dla zwykłych akcjonariuszy jest równy dochodzie netto pomniejszonemu o wypłatę uprzywilejowanych dywidend.

Net income available to common shareholders are the profits remaining after the company pays all of its suppliers, employees, service providers, creditors, and preferred shareholders. In other words, this is revenue less all expenses and preferred dividends. The number measures common shareholders' claim on the company's cash flows.

Czym się zajmuję organizacja Starpharma?

Starpharma Holdings Limited, a biopharmaceutical company, engages in the research, development, and commercialization of dendrimer products for pharmaceutical, life-science, and other applications worldwide. The company offers VivaGel, a non-antibiotic therapy for the management and prevention of bacterial vaginosis. It also develops VivaGel condom, an antiviral condom; and VIRALEZE, an antiviral nasal spray. In addition, the company develops DEP, a dendrimer drug delivery technology, including DEP docetaxel that is in Phase II clinical trials, DEP cabazitaxel that is in Phase II clinical trial, and DEP irinotecan that is in phase II clinical trials for the treatment of cancer; oncology programs, such as DEP radiopharmaceuticals, DEP HER-2 ADC, and DEP gemcitabine; DEP non-oncology candidates; and DEP AZD0466, which is in Phase I/II clinical trials to treat haematological tumours. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Abbotsford, Australia.

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